Thursday, March 20, 2008


Ok so I had to use photos from last April and May...but they made me think spring!!! We had some lovely sunshine today although we didn't make it out of the 30's today!! It is lurking and creeping in very slowly in this area!! But I look at these pictures and I hope... sunny sidewalk chalked days my favorite flower blooming so large and beautiful in my very own humble yard...

I got together with some lovely ladies from years past. It was nice to remember and reconnect. Although, in our absence one of them has had a recurrence of ovarian cancer...she is in chemo and looks good! So I will light candles for her and hope...

The Grandparents have arrived to spring John and I for all things fun! We are so looking forward to a day out. No idea what we are going to do but just to have some down time with him is all I could hope for!! Plus, the girls look forward to all the spoils that come with their visits!!

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday weekend! Filled with sunbeams and hopefully some sidewalk chalk!!!!

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