Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Joy Mail!!

Oh today had such a lovely end for me...after running and picking up the elder statesman from school and then running the monkey to gymnastics...I finally got home to find one of the best mail days I have had in a long time!!! As you can see above, the lovely Erin at http://bluebirdbaby.typepad.com , totally made my day, my week even with the arrival of the wonderful tote bag that I won in her giveaway a while back. As if that perfect little bag , in those really great colors was not enough she packed in treats a plenty!!! Did I mention I have never had Green and Black chocolate before??? OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! It has been absolutely all I can do to stop myself from devouring the entire dark chocolate bar!! And there was also this to die for seasoned popcorn! I have been licking the bowl I limited myself to!!!!!!!!!! And as if the yummy goodness of the snackies was not enough there is a clutch in there that is awesome! The colors and style are perfect!!! I am blown away, in case you couldn't tell by her generosity! You bloggers are a cool group of folks!!!
And as if that little boon in a bag wasn't enough, my book I ordered from amazon, Three Cups of Tea arrived. And not only book goodness but our first http://netflix.com selection arrived. Of course it is a shoot em up for Himself not all the lovely artsy selections I have in queque for myself! But for a mail day all things lovely and good and best of all NO BILLS!! Yeah!!
Then the lovely Elder Statesman arrived home from Ballet, and we all sat down to hot cocoa together...dinner was a broken affair with all the running and classes...but I rejoiced in the time to hear her talk and see how her day went and hear how her views are changing and celebrate in her new reader selection the wonderful Frog and Toad books! And she just looked so grown up with her hair all pulled back and her snuggle clothes on...did I mention she has started doing her hair herself?? Sigh...it is just going too, too fast for me...she just looks like a lady not a little girl any more and I am not sure I will ever be ready for all that is coming...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yay! I'm glad the bag and goodies were well received :) it's nice to see them in their new home!