Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Did I mention that my word for the year has morphed from breathe into growl??? I am aggravated and defeated and exhausted and feel like laying down on my couch and having a big ole toddler style tantrum. Every time I think, ok I can do this, I can get through this, it will be ok, yet another needle is piled on my very topply haystack!! Six day work weeks, more night shifts, change, change, change...oh and did I mention this is our busy season so I don't even want to be there at all much less more more more....ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need my blankie....I still wonder how to get through this without feeling every ounce of frustration and bitterness...needing to be grateful for being employed and having a job to get aggravated over...but I sometimes wonder is it worth what my insides feel like right now? Is it worth the pinching nerve in my shoulder from all the tension I store up there....when is enough enough???? Sigh.....


Anonymous said...

hey, you want to run away and be poor and happy in Ireland?

Sheila said...

Yes can we leave right now...sigh...