Friday, August 1, 2008

May you never....

I have spent the past couple of days wrestling the big question of pain and why's that come with things that happen in life that defy those very things...
So out of the past two days of true awfulness....I make wishes for all of you....
may you never....
have to hear a friend plan a funeral for her child
may you never...
here the words that a friend's child has killed himself
may you never...
have to help find a place large enough to house the memorial service...
may you never...
have to watch a family's world fall totally and completely apart
may you never...
have to hear the desperate sobs of people in the depths of pain...
And there will never be answers to if you pray or whatever you may call it...can you take a little time to think of my friend and her family and their very long road to healing....

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