Happy Thanksgiving! May you all be surrounded by things that make you realize how important you are in this world!!
I am thankful for so very much: = My Irishman who understands me and is my partner in every sense of the word in this big crazy world.
= My ladies who have made me want to do more and better things in this world just because I share it with them.
= My parents for meeting, liking each other, and thinking it would be good that I was here!
= My home. I count my blessings everyday that I am lucky enough to have this great old house to live in and make memories in.
= Food. I am grateful that we have so much healthy, well farmed, and locally grown food to keep us strong. And that my family shares a love of meals and cooking together and that given a choice they choose my food over anything else!!
= My Body. That it is this amazing thing that helps me accomplish so much in this world. That it is strong and still learning and trying new things.
= Books. I am ever thankful to all those who put words on paper so that I can travel and learn and have new experiences and that my children can have such grand adventures all from the comfort of our house.
= My Friends. That I am surrounded with people who lift me up and push me to grow and see my good parts even when I am doing my best to hide them.
Oh this list could continue for quite some time. I am a very, very lucky woman. May you find yourself wrapped in gratitude this holiday!