Thursday, September 30, 2010


Transitions...I seem to finding them everywhere. Some really good bringing peace and contentment. Some I am fighting and digging in my heels with the utmost resistance. And some are just making me feel lonely and sad. I know this is life. And I know all the stuff going on isn't really much on the radar scope of life just blips. Little bits of life nothing compared to the stories of some but right now I have enough little blips to keep me hanging on.
And today a very dear friend of mine is retiring. I am happy for him. Glad he gets to relax and explore and move on. But I am really very sad. He and I have been friends for 16 years. We have been through so very many big life things together not to mention surviving that place called work. And today the person who has talked me off the proverbial ledge more times than I can count, is riding off into his sunset. It just feels like a loss.
So I am still here. Treading water and trying to find an even keel but right now I am not doing this gracefully I am tired, I am edgy, I am on the verge of tears...but I do know this is all good and it too will all pass and when I am through it all I hope I will have learned something from it and can find a bit of peace.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Where have I been??

There was David Gray and Ray Lamontagne

There was coffee with a view...

There was a Drive in Movie...

There was swimming...

There was building...

There were picnics and music
in the gardens...

There was tomato canning!

There were great eats...

There were train rides...

There were naked cowboys...

We went to New York...major goal for trip
was to see the Intrepid which we gratefully
did it was incredible!
There have been S'mores

There was blueberry picking

There was some porch reading...
(not nearly enough of this)

There were camps...

There were visits from Dear friends

There were celebratory tea parties...

There were Lego exhibits

And Museums...

Jack Johnson...and concerts...

Boated with friends...
B and I Relayed and she sang...

Bandanas for Relay...

4th of July spent watching things crash...

E and one of the things that crashed
love us some figure 8!!

So as you can see life has been full. Very full!! In a good way but I must say I might have just packed a little too much into my days this summer. Just a tiny bit...she says laughing...
But this summer brought beach time, and I am so in love with the beach that I didn't say no and still feel like I didn't get enough in. Not enough wasting away by the water for me ever!! We got to wander with friends. We got to giggle a lot!! We got to hear a lot of live music in case you forget it is important to support live music so go out and see bands and cheer and say thank you for sharing yourself. We got to reconnect with family. We got to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We took advantage of what our local farmers have worked so hard to produce and our freezer is thankfully stocked for the winter ahead. Encourage farmers to farm food!! Find your local farmer's market every place has one somewhere. Go out and buy! You can't beat fresh picked produce for dinner! And many markets have happy chicken's eggs, and healthy farmed meats! Right there on your doorstep! No excuses. Hook up with a CSA or a u-pick and fill up your pantries and freezers! I canned for the first time this year and am looking forward to more next year. We read LOTS!!! We dined on the porch. We swam. We watched the world go by.
And now we get ready for the beginning of another school year and getting back into our schedule. I have read several articles lately about how September should be the New Year. How everything feels fresh and goals get set. How the scent of fall makes you want to turn inward and begin to make change. I love this time of year although it makes me a bit sad that my time with my girls gets to be less. Our adventures get more spread out as my work schedule and their school schedule do not always mesh. But FALL!! Oh how I love fall!!
I have had a goal every summer to have a dinner party with friends and have yet to achieve it...hmmm maybe fall??? Harvest party? Yeah I haven't been busy enough!
Hope everyone enjoyed their season and are all ready for the "New Year"!