As my very wise seven year old put it, "August has been a very sad month." I am not sure I could have put it any better...mom called and my Aunt died last night. She was my Uncle John's wife and one of the kindest, most loving women I have ever met. She loved everyone. She would reach down and see the absolute best in them even if the rest of world could not she always would. And her way to care was to feed you. You would never leave her house hungry. We would all fight over her homemade biscuits!!!!!! And to think this gentle loving spirit is gone is so very hard. And as if that isn't big enough my equally lovely Uncle John has just recently begun cancer treatments. I am so very worried about him. They were what I call "pillar" people. You know the kinds that hold up a family at its roots and bring you together. And now that he has lost his perfect half I fear what may happen! Being a grown up is brutal sometimes! So we will be packing up and heading to Monroe,MI tomorrow for the viewing and more pain and to say goodbye to such a very lovely woman who will be missed on so many levels by so many people!!!!!! So once again I ask of you to send some good thoughts and wishes to my Uncle and his family as they all find their way with a big gap in their middle!!
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