Sunday, August 3, 2008

Creating and CSA

So my Bronwyn has spent hours upon hours creating a purse and all the important things that one needs in said purse. She made a lap top, cell phone, make up kit, lip gloss, ipod with ear buds (see top photo), money, credit cards...and the purse itself. I was amazed at all her thought and detail. She even made Ella her own set of everything. She also made a cereal box tv and made some cards for the different channels we can watch. I love days she finds her creative outlet and holes herself away from us to let it roll!!
CSA this week was huge! There were potatoes, tiny little carrots, more squash, cucumber, green and yellow beans, onions, a hot pepper, eggs, and turnips!!! So I have to find time to get some of it put away! We couldn't hope to get through all this in a week! Also if you have any really great squash recipes please pass them our way! We made a really great squash and potato torte last week compliments of It was fantastic and would compliment many other dishes. But we have a lot of squash at the moment so more please!!
The last photo is our little tomato harvest. We have had just a few more before this but this is our biggest haul so far! I love getting veggies from our garden no matter how small and urban it may be!
Well tomorrow night is the memorial service for my friend's son. I would rather take a stick in the eye than go but really need to be there for her. Fortunately our friend will watch the girls so I do not have to go alone...thanks Margaret!! Sigh....

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Yummy! Our tomatoes are just now coming on ...