Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

My girls are lucky to have this man in their lives. He is patient, he is kind, he is intelligent, he is creative, he inspires, he encourages, and he brings order to our girly chaos. I only hope if the ladies someday settle down that they find someone with all the same characteristics as their Dad. He is an amazing person and I am so very lucky to call him my best friend! Thank you Irishman for all the many things you do to keep your girls happy! We really do appreciate them all!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Feet

John caught us girls and our summer feet on the porch swing...there is something I just love about being barefoot in summer with happy painted toes looking up at me. And something I love more than that is being on my porch on the swing!! I like sitting out there watching the world roll along, taking a break from it all. It is like someone pushes the pause button for a little while and I can breathe and daydream. I take a book, light some candles and incense, grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and just lose myself. In fact, I lost myself so completely last week I fell asleep on the swing just swaying in the evening breeze listening to the windchimes and the birds...there may not be words enough for how much I love a good porch!! So wishing you some porch swinging, watching the world pass you by time...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Style...

Ella got ready for the art fair the other day and this was her outfit...there is a style and a sass and a confidence that this little lady has in matters of fashion that I so wish I possessed. How do we loose that sureness. That "I am awesome" feeling about ourselves? Where does it go? And how do we let people take it from us? I have a big ole hope that I can keep it there for my lovely ladies. That I can preserve it for just a bit longer and let them be proud of their choices and style no matter what that may be. So maybe just one day in your week you will find a bit of your sass and have an Ella style day!