The afters of Christmas at our house are a dance party...we have everyone make some song requests (including the kids) and we make a playlist and let it take over. Our living room becomes a dance floor!
Me and the Irishman...

Cupid shuffle...

Kate and Lenny...

Matt and Margaret (parents of The Fuzz)...

The Fuzz entertains us with some guitar samplings... (he signed autographs after!)
Auntie T became a great place to crash!

Tyler busted it out...

Sylvie and Bronwyn rocked it...

And finally, we are hoping for some more Christmas Miracle as I ask for your thoughts and prayers and wishes for healing for my Uncle John as he fights his way through some big battles! He is a beautiful soul and I hope to keep him around for a bit longer!

Cupid shuffle...
Kate and Lenny...
Matt and Margaret (parents of The Fuzz)...
The Fuzz entertains us with some guitar samplings... (he signed autographs after!)
Tyler busted it out...
Sylvie and Bronwyn rocked it...
And during all the excitement and dancing my Ella pirouetted herself right into a bench, unfortunately mouth what were teeth that were "preparing" to loosen and come out (they had been hurting her for a while and she had been telling us everyday she thought they were loose), one of them is actually now loose and with her constant touching and checking will probably be out before she goes back to school. I am not ready for my baby to begin loosing teeth...I am not ready to see this yummy little face change and transform into it's next this morning while we were having breakfast I snapped some photos of her with teeth in tact. She and I had a lovely little morning as she chatted and discussed the impending tooth loss. She has a funny view of the world that I enjoy hearing. It was nice to get some time alone just she and I admidst what has been quite a bit of chaos!
And finally, we are hoping for some more Christmas Miracle as I ask for your thoughts and prayers and wishes for healing for my Uncle John as he fights his way through some big battles! He is a beautiful soul and I hope to keep him around for a bit longer!