Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been missing for a bit.  Life just felt busy.  Too busy to focus on me and words and thoughts.  But now it is Spring and I am making changes.  I got a new haircut and with that I am deciding that is going to mark my shift to focus a little more on being healthy.  Healthy and strong not just numbers and sizes.  I am going to embrace the small steps even if it means I carve out 20 minutes of exercise in a day that looks like there will be none.  Even if it means I add more water to my day.  Even it means I take time to journal or meditate or pause... 

Life is busy.  A good busy.  Life is a beautiful adventure.  During this adventure, you just have to pause to take care of yourself, which I have always been bad at.  I am going to grow up to be strong!!! 

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