Thursday, May 14, 2009

Relax and Restore

So today I had a home day. I breathed in and out. I sat on the porch and blissed out to the sound of the windchimes and the feel of the wind. I cradled my coffee mug and devoured my magazines. I took a bicycle ride downtown to restore with some yoga and see friends who love me anyway. I came home and then rode to pick up the Elder Statesman at school. And then I crafted and created a lovely, healthy dinner in the kitchen. I even managed desserts today. I will say today has been exactly what the body and mind needed. A day off. Really and truly off. It made me feel alive again and might I say completely happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a good weekend! It was such a pleasure to sit and visit with you yesterday and I am blessed to have you as a friend! :)