So we have a reading monster in our house...she is slight and fair with lovely blue eyes and a wicked sense of humor...she is quick and has boundless energy...a dervish if you will...always chatting always buzzing...but there are times, albeit few...when she lights and takes her book with her...her favorite is an old Dick and Jane book I found at a thrift sale years ago and loved the old illustrations, it was well loved before it entered our home and now that she has discovered it it is her companion often marked with a stray sock or a baby doll blanket but all the more loved by our little reading monster!!
Thanks so much for your visit! My oldest loves to read too, usually curled up in her bed at night. Such a good habit to get into. Hope you have a wonderful day!
She is too cute! Tim and I are much to immature for Dick & Jane books...
yeah, but before you know it, they are reading about Anne Frank and asking you questions you'd rather not answer!
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