Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big ole purple chair...

Ok so many moons ago, when the house was still new (to us that is!) I went to a furniture store searching for a chair. It had to be comfy, it had to be big enough to lounge in, to curl up in, and most of all to read in. Which meant I sat upside down, legs over arms, feet into corners, in many a chair before I found this one... It was in a clearance center, a special order no less, so once it came in the color didn't work for the people who had ordered it. It was too unique...enter one artsy fartsy wanna be!! Plus it took a special place in the world being as it is what is termed a chair and half...which equates to honking huge chair!! So I contemplated and I went home and brought the Irishman to investigate...because chairs that fit me rarely fit him due to a bit of a difference in leg lengths! And it worked and he wasn't off put by it's purpleness... So my big ole chair came home to live in our blue room. When I met the chair I had visions of lazy, rainy days sprawling watching drops trickle down the windows, days snuggling up with a great book, and even then I had visions of a place I would one day gather with children and be able to both fit and read together...this was way before I had even thought that I may even want children...but there was that glimmer and idea...and now every time I find one little person (albeit some not so little any more) clambering up on my lap with a stack of books I get a heart full of warmth and feel good. It just makes me happy...especially when I walk through and see the little person sprawled across the chair reading her very own book by herself!!!!
The last photo is my Christmas present from John finally hung in the kitchen window!! I love sun shining through glass balls!!


Anonymous said...

Sheila!! I was so excited to find out you have a blog (from Carolynn)! I'm off to catch up now. And yes, that chair rocks!

Cinnamonamon said...

Fantastic chair! I have a bowl chair I love...unfortunately there is no place for it right now...but soon!