Saturday, we participated in the Dow Run Walk...the girls did a 1mi fun run and tot trot and my friend Kate and I did the 5K walk...all that before I went to work!!! Needless to say I was a tired mama that evening. Kate and I did well in our age groups...she was 3rd in hers I was 5th so not so awful. And at the end my favorite local band (I may be a groupie...) performed. It was a hot day and I wasn't feeling the best by the end but overall I felt accomplished! Bronwyn did her first run. (well mainly a walk) but she did something she didn't believe she could really do and I was proud to see her try! Ella was disappointed that her race was so small but it got her out there any way!
Oh, and the rains did claim that lovely first poppy before it even fully opened...sigh...fickle life of flowers!!
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