Sunday, March 2, 2008


The days just slip by for me. I seem to fill them all with something and lose momentum to say all I feel. So photos again...
I can't express sometimes how very much my heart aches as my lovelies grow...and change...and stretch even farther with their independence and their new cycles, moods, thoughts...I just try so very hard to store it all up and hang onto all the memories...
The memories above, my lovely B, getting so very grownup and helpful and considerate...
My little monkey E getting ready for a Birthday party in her ballerina attire and looking way too grown up! Why is it when you pull their hair back they age 5 yrs???
And the last, our morning surprise as E comes in while I am getting my first morning coffee and announces she has cut her hair. Oh the reactions...and she was so distressed! I asked her why she did it and she said she wanted it short again because she missed being least it wasn't a hunk from the front...but she twists the heartstrings...and now we know we have to moniter the whereabouts of all pairs of scissors in the is never ever dull!!!!!

1 comment:

Herod Happenings said...

Yes, it makes me want to cry sometimes, realizing how fast our girls are growing up. Your girls are looking so much alike, it is amazing. Love every precious moment. I am still glad you told me about keeping journals for them.

Michelle Herod