Friday, January 25, 2008


I have finally joined the land of blogs and bloggers!! I started blogging on Myspace last year and I wasn't sure if I would take to the whole idea of journalling without my precious pen and paper, but low and behold I did. Then I began exploring other blogs and the inspiration grew! I wanted to play! I wanted to create and share my little corner of the world too! I wanted pictures and links and friends and comments!! So after a lot of rent in my head of titles and images and beginnings...I found blogspot...and thankfully it was so easy to set up that even computer illiterate me was able to get started. I am excited for this new beginning and this outlet for the ideas and things in my head!!

So still fighting a never ending round of ick...I pottered around in my kitchen this morning and produced some pumpkin coffeecake and my Gran's soda bread... I always feel at peace when I cook. My kitchen is tiny, my counter a postage stamp, but I love to be in there. I love the measuring spoons and my big red kitchen aid mixer. I love the stirring and the kneading and of course the smell and anticipation of something I created. I think cooking fills something in people and is my best way to nurture and care for those around me! I love to feed people and think that is the answer to any question or problem. So today finds me discovering blogging in the grown up world and savoring tea for three (Himself wasn't up yet) and some yummy soda bread!!

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